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Three Important Concepts For New Photographers
So you have a camera and have been taking some photos. So you disdain cell phone photos. So you explored a few photo sites and looks like there are already many fantastic photos. So what should you do? Wait till you can buy an even better camera? Wait till your camera and lighting skills are near professional? Wait for anyone to take notice of your photos? Give up?
The availability of high resolution digital cameras has made everyone a photographer. Every tourist I saw on my trip to Iceland had a high end digital camera. The higher the resolution, the easier it becomes to get a decent photograph with little skill in framing or managing photo depth. You can just crop out the best part of the photo. Mobile phones are coming out with 100 MP resolutions on their cameras now. Don’t give up though. The visual world is still wide open with opportunity … even for those that do not want to make photography a full time habit.
There are a few ways to win some distinction for yourself despite the problems that high resolution digital photography introduces. Here are the three most important factors to consider and make your own in this pursuit:
Look for underlying meaning: Almost every place, person and thing has been photographed already. Being original is not easy. Is it important to photograph the same things again? You…