Member-only story
OMG! Us Injuns Landed On The Moon.
My first reaction is: god help the already lawless traffic on the moon. My second reaction is: how in heck did a teeming nation of weirdly hairy, never listen to each other, always jockeying for position in traffic and rule sidesteppin mofo’s land something on the moon. And my last reaction is: Bout damn time … only 54 years since Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Wait was there a visa requirement on the moon … and so the delay? Couldn’t they have bribed someone?
If you watched the ISRO live stream, just the sheer number of incongruous ideas if not the flip flopping between pride and “damn” was overwhelming.
Starting with the oh so appropriate Indian traffic metaphor of the “rough braking” stage,
Try any public transport or any busy roadway in India to understand rough braking.
to the confusing and overused commentary about the “lagathaar” (continuous) photos of the moon’s surface during the approach that for all that repetition did not seem to change in appearance, to the amateur looking graphical representation of the…